Nutrition DL is a series that gives you the download on seasonal fruits, vegetables, or pantry staples. Once you learn about the nutrition, varieties, and how to select and store the featured …
Quick Roasted Cauliflower Soup
With most things, there is no one "right" way. You can approach a project or meal in a few different ways and end up with a great-looking project or a flavorful, satisfying meal. Soup, especially …
Roasted Cauliflower Greek Yogurt Dip
I am a snacker, and I know I'm not alone. Snacking can be helpful for keeping your energy up and your hangery tendencies at bay. What you snack on can help keep this steady, as well as any healthy …
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Swiss Chard and Tomato Cauliflower Rice
I'm a dietary traveler. I've got my culinary passport stamped from all different diets and lifestyles, from vegetarian to vegan to gluten free to raw. I'll probably have to get some extra pages soon. …
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Curried Roasted Cauliflower
Making healthy food doesn't have to be complicated. It can just really be that simple, it can be enough. …
Nutrition DL: Cauliflower
Nutrition DL is a series that gives you the download on seasonal fruits, vegetables, or pantry staples. Once you learn about the nutrition, varieties, and how to select and store the featured …
Roasted Ginger Honey Carrots & Brussels with Pomegranates
I'm a book lover, through and through. From birth, I have loved and been captivated by books. One of my favorite pictures is of me as a toddler, reading a book with my mom, while being surrounded by …
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Swiss Chard Noodle Bowl
It's time to pull things back to the other side of the spectrum. The holidays are wrapping up, and I'll be honest, I indulged some. It wasn't crazy, but it definitely hasn't been my usual meals or …
Whole Wheat Fig and Walnut Cookies
If at first you don't succeed, try again. And maybe one more time. Or two. Or maybe three. This year, it took me three recipes to settle on this Whole Wheat Fig and Walnut Cookie to share in this …
Swiss Chard Rice with Delicata Squash
This one goes out to rice. For most of my life, white rice was in almost every dinner I made or was served. Before moving to college, I witnessed my family go through about 3 to 4 rice cookers. I find …
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White Bean Swiss Chard Soup
Soup is a lifesaver. The simplicity of it makes it quick to prepare, make and clean, and I always make a batch fit for large table. That way, no matter what goes on in life, I've got a few containers …
Meatless Thai Kabocha Curry
We all go through food phases. The kind where our senses, stomach, and mind come together and fall head over heels in love with a dish, cuisine, or flavor. For a while, that love is insatiable. You're …