Moving forward in your health and wellness goals goes beyond what’s on your plate, your sleep and how you’re moving. What you’re saying and thinking about yourself can really make a difference in making changes more permanent or easier. This episode in an invitation to check in with the language you’re using about you, your body and your food, and if it’s not helpful for you, how to adjust.
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Small Steps in the Show:
- Choose 1-2 things to look for (especially if you know you say some of these things often)
- Choose an amount of time to start noticing and recording as much as you notice (3-5 days could be enough time to get data without being overwhelmed)
- Record what you said in your phone or small notepad
- After your experiment time is over, notice how much you said or thought it
- Hold kindness and compassion for yourself
- Think of other things to say or think instead or to say right after if it comes out automatically
- Come up with 2-3 phrases, write them down if you need to, tell people you trust you’re working on saying new things instead
- Practice and give yourself a lot of kindness and compassion as you practice and relearn
- Notice and celebrate when you do catch yourself and say a new phrase
- Look into where these thoughts come from, if they come from you, a moment or person in your life through journalling or with a therapist
- Check in if those thoughts align with what you want and believe
- Remind yourself of what IS important to you
Mentioned in the Show:
Buy my Enamel Pin
Negativity Bias
Small Steps Podcast #2 with Steph Ondrusek
Taylor Gage of She Thrives
Dr. Tee Williams
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