Making this recipe for you helped me out tremendously in such an unexpected way. …
Banana Nut Oatmeal Buttermilk Muffins
A few weeks ago, I made a cake for N's mom's birthday. I had been waiting to make this cake for her for a while, since the flavors were right up her alley. Before I went to the market, I reviewed the …
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Baked Apple Oatmeal Cups
Even with LA's mini heatwave this weekend, Fall is still coming. And as I swap out my wardrobe, I also swap out my breakfasts. All summer, I've been eating a parfait of sorts: layers of yogurt and …
Veggie Quiche
People put quiche on such a pedestal; putting fancy ingredients (I can't afford fancy mushrooms, sorry) or meats I don't regularly buy (I'm looking at you, ham). It's something you only have for …
Savory Zucchini and Spinach Quinoa Muffins
I won't classify myself as a breakfast person. I eat it; it's usually pretty straight forward: oatmeal with fruit, cereal with fruit and yogurt, almond butter toast… Nothing crazy, right? A few …
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