I have a great group of friends I love to cook for. Between everyone in the group, there are a number of different dietary needs and preferences: vegetarian, dairy sensitivities, gluten sensitivities, …
Beef Sweet Potato Noodle Bowl
Sometimes you're just tapped out. Tapped out of ideas on what to eat, what to make, what to buy. What you've been eating for the past few weeks isn't hitting the spot, but you've just got no idea what …
Mushroom Pesto Pizza
Oh, dairy. So many of us love the taste, the foods it's in, the melty, creaminess off it, and for a lot of us, the love is so unrequited. …
Paleo Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie
With the colder weather digging it's heels in, there's no better time than ever for comforting, warm and nourishing food. …
Paleo Cranberry Pomegranate Gummy Bears
Every year of my professional life, I've made a food gift for every person I work with in my office. …
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Seasonal Fall Produce Guide
This is part of a series I've been creating for Azumio. Azumio is an app company dedicated to improve health and wellness by tracking sleep and steps, monitoring your glucose levels and heart rate, …
Paleo Butternut Squash Bowl
Meat. It can be a polarizing topic among some people. …
Roasted Squash and Cauliflower Soup
Fall and winter are amazing times of year for roasting. …
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Chipotle Cashew Cheese Sauce
In talking with people about healthy eating and the different camps people are in (paleo, vegan, vegetarian, etc), cheese is often the food that comes up as a nonnegotiable. Like that's one of the …
Paleo Eggplant Meatballs
This post contains an affiliate link, that if you use, would result in me getting a small financial benefit which helps keep the blog running. Thanks! It's inevitable if you like food and learning …
Cacao Hemp Tahini Date Balls
I have a small sweet tooth. I like to finish a meal with something sweet. When I worked at my last office, there was a candy jar that I would dip into from time to time when I was stressed out and …
Superfood Chocolate Chip Chickpea Bars
There's a lot of celebrating about to go down. For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I had THE FINAL for my nutrition schooling a two weeks ago. I passed with flying …
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