Quinoa is my favorite kitchen sink grain. In my years of making quinoa and adding a variety of greens, nuts, sauces, and spices into it, I've always come out with something good. So when I was …
Zucchini Bake
Summer is upon us and that means it's zucchini season! For those of you with a CSA box, get ready to have so many zucchinis each week you have no idea what to do with them. But don't worry! Our second …
Nuts and Greens Lentil Quinoa
After two weeks of green lentil recipes, this week we give red lentils their time in the sun. Red lentils have all of the nutritional benefits of green lentils (you can see my post on just how amazing …
Black Bean Quinoa Burger Salad
Recently, N and I celebrated our favorite friends' birthdays. R and C have birthdays a week apart and last year, had a great party to celebrate. This year, they decided not to celebrate with a party, …
Top to Tail Beet Quinoa
Eat More Greens, my 2014 motto, has become a little person sitting on my shoulder, saying "You could add greens to that." This recipe is a perfect example of that. I first threw this dish together for …
Sweet Potato and Kale Quinoa Salad
I overthink things. My mind (maybe like a yours) has a tendency to be on hyperdrive all the time, thinking, thinking, thinking and never stopping. Sometimes it helps, but a lot of the times it just …
Savory Zucchini and Spinach Quinoa Muffins
I won't classify myself as a breakfast person. I eat it; it's usually pretty straight forward: oatmeal with fruit, cereal with fruit and yogurt, almond butter toast… Nothing crazy, right? A few …
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Curried Squash Quinoa Salad
The summer heat is finally here. Living in Los Angeles, the summer heat doesn't get that bad, but when it does, it's just yuck. N and I went to a potluck barbecue yesterday, and I did not want to …
Stuffed Pattypan Squash with Quinoa
Life has a way of making things interesting. When I started working on today's post, I had a completely different recipe in mind. I made it, tasted it, liked it, but not enough to share with all of …
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