Oh gluten, you sneaky protein. For a lot of people, gluten can be hard to handle, especially when our digestion is impaired from stress, autoimmune conditions, low stomach acid, and more.
For some people (including myself), taking a break from gluten can be helpful to help gut healing. For others, avoiding gluten is a necessity to function.
A lot of foods, especially processed foods, have gluten in them these days. From what you would expect (wheat) to things you wouldn’t immediately expect (couscous and gravy). Because it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re newer to not eating gluten, or if you’re cooking for someone who is gluten free and you’re not, I put together a list of the foods that do and usually contain gluten (gluten free options and alternatives are becoming more common everyday).
I wrote this list for Azumio, a wellness app company I write for, but what that article didn’t have was something for my visual learners. In order to help my visual learners out and create something you could easily pull up or pin, I made an infographic for you!
I will also be sharing an Instagram friendly version in my stories later today, and will be keeping that in my “GF Tips” highlight. You can also access that in my private Facebook community, The Small Eats Circle.