I’m so happy to announce that I’m a guest editor for The Girl Who Knows, the place to build a business and life with soul. The Girl Who Knows is a great site for digging deeper into soulful living all while keeping things grounded. I’ll be sharing recipes and other wellness articles there for the next three months. Hope you enjoy our collaboration!
This may have happened to you before (it has to me): It’s the end of long day, you’re tired and you walk to the fridge to see what’s for dinner. You’ve got a few random things, but no idea what to do with them. Too drained to think about what to make, you turn to that lone frozen meal tucked in the back of the freezer or dial-up your favorite Thai place.
While there’s nothing wrong with that frozen meal or your favorite Thai place, week after week this can add up and affect your health (and your wallet). With a little bit of planning each week, you can make sure you’ve got enough for at least one meal that, depending on how many people you cook for, serves you for a few meals after as well.
In times of “Oh my God I’m too tired to think,” it’s good to have a few meals in your back pocket that are flexible enough to swap out a few ingredients based on what you have on hand, and still make a great meal.
A big key to this is constantly stocking your pantry and fridge to have some basic essentials on-hand. This makes it so much easier to throw a healthy meal together at the last minute.