Diet culture can cast a wide and sticky net in someone’s life and push them to live a word hyperfocused on getting thin at whatever cost. This episode dives deep into how “good” and “bad” foods and the food lists diet culture thrives on are harmful, especially for people of color who have rich food cultures.
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Small Steps in the Show:
- Know that the detangling takes time, awareness and actively choosing something else
- Remind yourself that food doesn’t have to be good or bad, it can be a lot of things
- Think on and define how you want to feel and act around food
- Consider getting support from me or a nutrition professional who specializes in disordered eating support depending on your relationship to food and diet culture
- Think on what foods you want to start adding back into your eating that you may have removed or restricted before (barring any allergies or physical reactions)
- Reconsider foods you may have written off as unhealthy
- Consider being around food that’s culturally important to you, whether that’s being in a grocery store, bakery, getting or making that food
- Remember the memories you have around those foods and why they are important to you
- Try eating them, whether it’s just a little bit or a whole meal, and stay as present as you can
- Get support from people you trust in your life, especially those that can understand more of the food-related diet culture things you may be unlearning
- Remember you are always worthy, no matter what foods you do or don’t eat
- Give yourself a lot of kindness and compassion as you detangle from diet culture
Mentioned in the Show:
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Small Steps #17: What is Diet Culture
Small Steps #21: The Power of Words around Food and Food Lists
Small Steps #84 with Amanda Martinez Beck
Small Steps #75: Deciding What to Believe around Health Studies, Media and Reports
Small Steps #78 with Krista Linares
Work with me to untangle your Diet Culture things
Work with a POC Eating Disorder Practitioner
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