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To start the podcast off, I’m sharing my healing journey with you, how I got into blogging and nutrition, and how taking small (and big) steps with a lot of love and care for myself has helped my physical, mental and emotional health.
I talk about the 3 major low points of self love and self care and how I worked through them, from adjusting my nutrition, adding movement, going to therapy, working on my mindfulness and mindset, and even changing my job at one point.
Small Steps in the Show:
- Small steps are okay!
- Acknowledge your overwhelm and be okay with it.
- Get clear on your values and/or what’s important to you. (Check back in with those every once in a while)
- Check if you need to keep doing all the things you’re doing once you’re clear what’s important to you.
- Delegate things, let them go or ask for help.
- Pause before committing to something and check to see if you want to do it and if it makes sense with your current values.
- Start to say no.
- Think about everything as an experiment.
Mentioned in the Show:
Gretchen Rubin Four Tendencies Quiz
Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole M.S. R.D. and Elyse Resch M.S. R.D. F.A.D.A
Nutritional Therapy Association
My Review of the Nutritional Therapy Association’s NTP Program
Beth Manos Brickey of Tasty Yummies
Marie Forleo’s The Ultimate Guide to Saying No