Persimmons are a new thing for me. Growing up in the South, I had never even heard of a persimmon until I loved back to Los Angeles for college. N, a born and raised California native, knew of them very well. I would watch him buy bags each week and happy munch on them like candy.
I tried my first persimmon maybe three years ago, and I was pleasantly surprised. Persimmons come in two major varieties, Fuyu and Hachiya. Fuyus are small and puck-like, and Hachiyas are fatter and usually the size of baseballs. Fuyus are eaten when hard like an apple while Hachiyas are enjoyed when they’re so soft they’re almost like pudding.
I’m slowly experimenting with them this year, and the idea of using persimmons in a jam popped in my head. Persimmons have a nice sweetness that is just right. Any more and it would just be too sweet. I went with a chia jam because I love chia, and chia jams are just so simple to make (if you have a hankering for some strawberry chia jam, head over here).
The chai flavoring seemed perfect for the season, and it pairs beautifully with the subtle sweetness of persimmons. If you really love chai, add another tea bag to the recipe.
This small-batch recipe is great if you’re not a huge jam eater and just want a little bit of jam. It’s also perfect for making as a gift. As you know, I’m a huge fan of food gifts. I gifted one jar to a friend who’s husband is a big chai fan, which was a great bonus. If you know your giftee well enough (if they have any food allergies or intolerances), consider adding in some bread or crackers to go with this jam.
Regardless of who gets to enjoy this chia jam, I hope it inspires you to branch out and try new fruits this season. They may surprise you and become a new favorite or a fun way to experiment when making your next meal or snack.
- 5-6 medium-sized Fuyu persimmons, peeled and cubed
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 2 chai tea bags
- 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup, if needed
- 1-2 cups of water
In a large sauté pan, combine cubed persimmons, the contents of 2 chai tea bags and 1 cup of water. Turn onto medium heat and bring to a boil. Once at a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 20-30 minutes, occasionally stirring and adding more water as needed.
Once the persimmons are soft and fork tender, taste and add any honey or maple syrup as needed. Transfer to a blender and pulse until the desired consistency is reached (depending on how chunky you want your jam to be. If you have a hand blender, transfer to a bowl and blend until the consistency you want is reached. Add two tablespoons of chia and let sit for 5 minutes.