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Filed Under: Small Fact Friday
Filed Under: All Year, Fall, Recipes, Spring, Summer, Treats, Winter
There's a lot of celebrating about to go down. For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I had THE FINAL for my nutrition schooling a two weeks ago. I passed with flying …
Continue Reading about Superfood Chocolate Chip Chickpea Bars →
Filed Under: All Year, Fall, Recipes, Spring, Summer, Treats, Winter
Last week, a chapter in my life came to an end. I left my design day job, and next week I'll start a designing at a different company. I had spent three years at that day job, learning, growing, …
Filed Under: Small Fact Friday
Two weekends ago, small eats turned three! It's crazy to believe that I've been blogging for three years and how different my life is on many levels. In blogger tradition, I made something sweet (and …
Continue Reading about Healthy Superfood Rice Crispy Treats →
Persimmons are a new thing for me. Growing up in the South, I had never even heard of a persimmon until I loved back to Los Angeles for college. N, a born and raised California native, knew of them …
Filed Under: All Year, Collaborations, Recipes, Treats
This post is in collaboration with The Wellbeing Network. The Wellbeing Network is dedicated to making health and wellness accessible for everyone. When the farmer’s market is abundant and …
Filed Under: Small Fact Friday
Filed Under: Small Fact Friday
Today I'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled fall eats to pay tribute to my grandma. I first told you about her on Mother's Day. She raised 7 kids and didn't have the easiest life, but she …
Two weeks ago, the unimaginable happened. I killed my food processor. It wasn't the best, it was four years old and what I could afford at the time (which was nothing to write home about). Since then, …
Hello! I'm so excited to share the FIRST! recipe on small eats. I have been dreaming of, planning and working on this blog for a while. It's so amazing to finally post a great recipe. They way I say …
Let's get there together, one small step at a time.