Somehow, it's fall. With the changing of the seasons comes cooler weather (finally!), soup (without sweating), and usually a pretty packed social calendar. Each month til the New Year's ball drops has …
Bacon & Egg Muffins with Breakfast Sausage (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
Savory breakfast month is coming to a close! I can't believe how fast it went by. I hope these breakfasts have given you some ideas on what to try to see how you feel with a savory, protein packed …
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Spinach Mushroom Meatza
Sometimes you've gotta press pause on eating certain foods. That can be for a variety of reasons, from you're kinda sick of eating a certain food, its making your stomach or skin upset, or its messing …
Vegan Taco Nut Meat
I have a great group of friends I love to cook for. Between everyone in the group, there are a number of different dietary needs and preferences: vegetarian, dairy sensitivities, gluten sensitivities, …
Beef Sweet Potato Noodle Bowl
Sometimes you're just tapped out. Tapped out of ideas on what to eat, what to make, what to buy. What you've been eating for the past few weeks isn't hitting the spot, but you've just got no idea what …
Grain-free Granola
This is my third year joining Andrew Wilder of Eating Rules in his October Unprocessed Challenge. Each October, Andrew challenges you to get more informed about what you're eating, and, if couldn't be …
Paleo Shredded Chicken Wraps
When most people think about "eating healthy" an image of a plain cooked chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and some white rice. …
Superfood Chocolate Chip Chickpea Bars
There's a lot of celebrating about to go down. For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I had THE FINAL for my nutrition schooling a two weeks ago. I passed with flying …
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Summer Cauliflower Rice #notatmydesklunch
This is another installation in the #notatmydesklunch series, in which I share some small, actionable tips on how to get away from your desk at lunch, enjoy a great meal, and set yourself up to …
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Taco Salad #notatmydesklunch
This is another installation in the #notatmydesklunch series, in which I share some small, actionable tips on how to get away from your desk at lunch, enjoy a great meal, and set yourself up to …
Beef Radicchio Cups with Tahini Dressing #notatmydesklunch
This is another installation in the #notatmydesklunch series, in which I share some small, actionable tips on how to get away from your desk at lunch, enjoy a great meal, and set yourself up to …
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Cauliflower Rice
It's been roughly 2-3 weeks since I've been pretty effing serious about avoiding gluten. I mentioned earlier that a friend told me it helped with her eczema, and I was willing to try it out to see if …